Category: Database Unit Testing
tSQLt for Data Warehousing, test your Stored Procedure
In the previous data recipe, Create a Test Class & First Unit Test with tSQLt, we created our very first T-SQL Unit Test to test the database collation. In this data recipe, we will test the execution of a Stored Procedure. Specifically, we will validate what happens when a new User is added to the […]
Create a Test Class & First Unit Test with tSQLt
We have set up our tSQLt Database Project in the previous data recipe, Create a SSDT Project Template based on your Database Project. Now it’s time to dive into the wonderful world of tSQLt Unit Testing. In the meantime, I have added my data warehouse to my SSDT Solution and added this project as a […]
Create a SSDT Project Template based on your Database Project
I attended quite some conferences in the first 6 months of 2024. When I get the chance, and there is an SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools) session on the schedule, I go to the session to learn something new. Lately, at Data Saturday Croatia, I had the chance to attend an advanced session about SSDT […]
Getting started with tSQLt
It’s time to take the first steps into Database Unit Testing. As mentioned in my previous blog post, I will use tSQLt, an open-source unit testing framework for databases. Since I’m a big fan of SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools), we will use a Database Project to set up the tSQLt framework. Recipe Overview Preparation […]
Unit Testing for Data Warehousing / Database Development
In the past few years, I learned much about collaborative data warehouse development and deployment automatization by using Database Projects (SSDT) and Azure DevOps (and other tools). I had my fair share of learning curves, making mistakes, and having great learning opportunities. Lately, I started my next journey to learn about Unit Testing for data […]