11 Dec, 2024

Create a Test Class & First Unit Test with tSQLt

We have set up our tSQLt Database Project in the previous data recipe, Create a SSDT Project Template based on your Database Project. Now it’s time to dive into the wonderful world of tSQLt Unit Testing. In the meantime, I have added my data warehouse to my SSDT Solution and added this project as a […]

4 mins read

Create a SSDT Project Template based on your Database Project

I attended quite some conferences in the first 6 months of 2024. When I get the chance, and there is an SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools) session on the schedule, I go to the session to learn something new. Lately, at Data Saturday Croatia, I had the chance to attend an advanced session about SSDT […]

2 mins read

Getting started with tSQLt

It’s time to take the first steps into Database Unit Testing. As mentioned in my previous blog post, I will use tSQLt, an open-source unit testing framework for databases. Since I’m a big fan of SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools), we will use a Database Project to set up the tSQLt framework. Recipe Overview Preparation […]

5 mins read

Unit Testing for Data Warehousing / Database Development

In the past few years, I learned much about collaborative data warehouse development and deployment automatization by using Database Projects (SSDT) and Azure DevOps (and other tools). I had my fair share of learning curves, making mistakes, and having great learning opportunities. Lately, I started my next journey to learn about Unit Testing for data […]

4 mins read

Azure DevOps Pipelines – SQL Server Deploy – One to rule them all

In one of my previous blog posts, I used the SQL Server database deploy task to deploy my DACPAC to SQL Server. Unfortunately, this task became deprecated in Release Pipelines. In this blog post, I would like to share the alternative. Additionally, we will be moving from a Classic Release pipeline to a YAML pipeline. […]

11 mins read

Azure DevOps YAML Pipelines – Deploy to Azure SQL

In my previous blog post, we created an Azure DevOps YAML Pipeline to automate our Database Project Build process. In this blog post, we are going to create an Azure DevOps YAML Release Pipeline for Azure SQL. Quick Overview Prerequisites Step-by-step Example —Download Pipeline Artifact —Deploy Dacpac to Azure SQL —Adding the right trigger Considerations […]

7 mins read

Azure DevOps YAML Pipelines – Building Database Projects

In previous blog posts, I explained how to automate the Database Project Build & Deployment process using Azure DevOps (Release) Pipelines. These blog posts focused on setting up as easily as possible using the Classic Editor. In this blog post, I’m going through the steps of setting up a build pipeline using YAML. Quick Overview […]

5 mins read

Automate your Database Deployments for SQL Server using Azure DevOps Releases

In my previous blog post, Automate your Database Deployments for Azure SQL using Azure DevOps Releases, I described how to automate your database deployments for Azure SQL. Now, in this blog post, we are going to take a look at how we can automate deployments for SQL Server. Since the setup is a bit different […]

7 mins read